Panels are a tool that enable the Guild to provide concrete, structured, rated feedback to brewers who wish to improve their process. The aim is for more experienced and/or knowledgeable brewers to “share the wealth” and help developing brewers along their path. The goal of the Guild is to help brewers produce high-quality, repeatable, well-researched, well-documented, and authentic beverages. Paneling is entirely voluntary, and no member should be made to feel that they must panel in order to be a part of the Guild.
Paneling well enough will enable a member to qualify for higher ranking in the Guild. Rank in the Guild does not confer any particular authority in the SCA, but higher-ranking Guild members are generally more knowledgable about their craft (identifying them as good resources from which to learn), and higher-ranking members are permitted (and encouraged) to conduct their own panelings and competitions to continue spreading knowledge of the craft to all corners of the Society.
Please consult the EKBG handbook for the requirements to hold a Panel.
Brewing Documentation Template
Last update – 9/30/17