Guild Members

Guild Minister: Pan (Master) Kythe Szubielka
Duties include but are not limited to the maintenance of a members list, which denotes member ranking and progress; organizing Brewing U and brewing tracks at other universities/scholas; coordinate Master Panels.
Note: Being a Master within the guild is not a requirement.


Deputy Guild Minister: lærifaðir Magnus Hvalmagi (Magnus the Stout)
Duties: Assist the Guild Master/Mistress to ensure that the members’ files are current and complete for the region of the Kingdom they represent. Deputies are responsible for coordination of local teaching and brewing tastings/contests.
A goute between three barley stalks in triangle Or on a field of Purpure

Central Region Guild Warden:
Lord John Kelton of Greyhorn

Northern Region Guild Warden:
Lady Arnóra Bjólfsdóttir

Southern Region Guild Warden:
Lady Siobhan ingean ui Ghadhra

Tir Mara Guild Warden:
Lord Hugh of Ruantallan


Master Ateno of Annun Ridge
lærifaðir Magnus Hvalmagi (Magnus the Stout)*
Baron Stephanus de Londres
Baroness Mistress Suzanne Neuber de Londres*
Mistress Sylvia du Vey*

A goute between three barley stalks in triangle Or on a field of Vert with a border of Or

Countess Corotica merkka Senebelenae (Clovis)
Baron Cynwulf Bearwes
Elska Fjarfelli
Lady Fionnghuala the Volatile
Master Geoffrey de Wygan
Pan (Master) Kythe Szubielka
Duchess Mistress Marieke van de Dal
Baron Max Elgin Nacrobie (the Executioner)
Lord Owen ap Robert (‘the Blind’)
Lord Steppenwolf Krieger
Lærifaðir Þorfinnr Hróðgeirsson
Vondorix “Black Finn” Ordowik

A goute between three barley stalks in triangle Or on a field of Vert

Lady Aoife Honeybourne (formerly Threesheets)
Lord John Kelton of Greyhorn

A goute between three barley stalks in triangle Or on a field of Azure with a border of Argent
Baroness Aneleda Falconbridge
Carrick MacSeáin
Lady Cassandra Arques
Baron Doigen of Lewes
Lady Emme Attewater
Lord Fergus Redmead
Lady Lijsbet van Catwiic
Lady Moire Brown
Lord Myrddin o’r Afon
Lord Patric de la Rose*
Master Richard the Poor of Ely
Lady Sibylla de Blakeleye
Lady Siobhan ingean ui Ghadhra
Lord Spyridon Tou Nkrizou Lykou
Lord Thomas de Marr
Lady Vashni Morgansdottir
Lady Zillah al Sighira al Hurra
A goute between three barley stalks in triangle Or on a field of Azure
Brewer (formerly Novice)
Lady Umm Butrus A’isha al-Anida
Lord Aluric de Londres
Master Aquel of Darksted Wood
Lady Arnora Bjolfrsdottir
Lord Casimir Sarkastyczny
Dietrich of Timis
Edgar Refskegg
Elspeth of Endwearde
Lady Gabriella Verde
Heather von Halstern
Lord Hugh of Ruantallin
Duchess Mistress Isabella of York
Mistress Jehannine de Flandres
Lord Johan Gregor Wanderer
Liam Britt
Lord Logan Sinclaire de Londres
Maistir Mael Eoin mac Echuidh
Lord Magnus Sverre Haakonson de Londres
Marryn Graham
Lord Martyn de Halliwell
Richard Heyworth
Wilfrid Iodun
Lord Vincenzo Martino Mazza
Lord William of Wyndhaven
Wolfstern Krieger
A goute between three barley stalks in triangle Or on a field of Gules

Lady Adelaide Wanderer
Lady Althea
Lord Andris Lowenstein
Lord Ané du Vey
Anita de Toledo
Lady Anne von Hellestal
Lady Ansitruda Helgasdottir
Lord Antony Martin of Sheffield
Aquilina of the Sea Cliff
Arnora of Thunder
Aureliana Laskarina
Baroness Bebhinn Inghean Ui Siodhachain
Bernhardt August Von Aschaffenburg
Beatrix Weaver
Brad Lessard (MKA)
Countess Mistress Brekke Franksdottir
Brice Longarm
Caryl de Trecesson
Lady Charis Olynthia
Chris Herr (Magnus?)
Lady Constance of Sculari
Lady Constanca Navarra, Web Mistress
Master Damantius G Tacitus
Lord David de Londres
Demetrio Antelini da Lucca
Estefania del Bosque
Fidel Fernando Negron-Rivera
Freygerdr in strroda Halladottier
Geoffert of Lone Oake
Girsell MacLeoid
Lady Gráinne MacCleud
Lord Gwillim Kynith
Heather MacNeil of Berra
Lord Hugh of Seashire
Master Ian Mitchell
Isabell Finn
John Marshallate Forde
Joris de Tolosa
Mistress Kayleigh MacFaoitigh
Leopold D’Artagnan Draco
Lillie of Epsham
Madog Tellier
Magnus Nogard
Mistress Mercedes Vera de Calafia
Lady Morgaine of Lynn
Morgan Pen
Murdoch MacRue
Nate Antonio
Nuno Cabral do Mar
Oliver de Bainbridge
Lord Marcus of Andubhaigeainn
Robert Fairfax
Lord Robert Kuster
Robert J. Sterner
Rowan of Meikledale
Lord Ruaidhri MacCrimthainn
Ruddock ap Conwy
Sabina of Thunder
Sebastian Manetti
Lord Temur Numuchi
Lord Thomas the Constable
Tomas Bergeron
Wojtek z Wizna
Sir Ysunnge Altan
Ziocomo Foscari

Emeritus Members
Baron Master Ernst Nuss von Kitzingen † – Grandmaster
Master Gavan MacBane + – Grandmaster
Mistress Lettice Peyton of Ashdown + – Grandmaster
Master Ludwig Von Eisburg+ – Grandmaster
Master Robin Argyll du Coeur Ailé *^ – Grandmaster
Baron Master Sean de Londres *† – Grandmaster
Baron Master Daniel del Cavallo *^ – Master
Braumeister Otto Gottlieb *^ – Master
Lord Robert Abeille † – Master
Baron Tygart of Toddington † – Master
Baron William Graham  ^ – Master
Baroness Anna Dokeianina Syrakousina ^ – Craftsman
Thane Alexander Makcristyne ^ – Journeyman
Else Von Oberfranken † – Brewer
Lord Zach Wolf † – Brewer
Conchobhar Mac Lughdach + – Member
Geoffrey de Tosni † – Member
Shannon of Malagentia + – Member
Lady Aurora Folkes † – Member

A goute between three barley stalks in triangle Or on a field of Sable
Last updated 06/28/2024

† Deceased
* Guild Minister Emeritus
+ No Longer Playing
^ Outside of Kingdom
♦ Current Guild Minister